EU Business News Q4 2018

EU BUSINESS NEWS / Q3 2018 7 Work Needed To Maintain London’s Reign As Europe’s Data Capital Key Fourth Industrial Revolution Report 2018 findings include: 1. Eyes are on the UK Government. The UK’s data leaders elect the ICO and UK government as the top choice to regulate the tech giants. 2. Confidence in London’s reign as Europe’s data capital trembles. Most data experts, 45%, believe Brexit will not help London reign as data capital of Europe, 17% of whom go so far as thinking it impossible. 3. GDPR has held UK organisations back. Formalised in May this year, GDPR has had ramifications for UK organisations beyond technological investment. As many as 68% of UK data leaders have cites GDPR has delayed their data related projects by as much as over two years. 4. CEOs are taking a hands-on approach to data. Although Chief Data Officers are largely responsible for data, the CEO’s role has shifted to take a more active role with data. In 2017, none were responsible over data, whereas 15% are fully in charge of data this year. 5. Interpreting data is a vital skill for today’s organisations. Data Sci- ence, Statistics and Data Engineering skills are in high demand, with 45%, 39% and 32% of respondents citing a lack of expertise in these areas respectively. 6. Data leaders say yes... to NoSQL. 29% of data experts are investing in NoSQL DBMS, 24% in data ingestion tools and 19% in Enterprise Information Management suites. Meanwhile, two out of five data experts are currently using cloud and not looking to adopt more.