Central Europe Business Awards 2018

8 EU BUSINESS NEWS / 2018 Central Europe Business Awards , IN Hotel Belgrade Richards Motorcycles AG Best High-Performance Motorcycle Dealership - Switzerland Richards Motorcycles AG is a fully equipped motorcycle retail store specialising in Harley- Davidson products. We profile the firm to learnmore. customer service to technical updates on new technology. For example, the workshop has the highest percentage of fully qualified Harley-Davidson University “Master Motorcycle Mechanics” in Switzerland, which naturally leads to the highest level of customer satisfaction. As a specialist in Harely- Davidson products, not only does the company sell and service the full range of H-D motorcycles but also has a store selling all products aimed at the sport of motorcycling, from helmets and protective clothing to collectibles and branded accessories. The company’s location in Aesch, just outside Basel, Switzerland puts it at the CEN18010 Established in 2008, Richards Motorcycles owes its name and success to Founder John Richards, an Englishman who settled in Basel, Switzerland back in 1988 and who had previously built up a company specialising in aircraft parts and high-performance materials. Much of the management standards from the aerospace industry flowed into the new company, with a high reliance on standardised processes and quality control in the workshop. Today, as then, staff training is given highest priority, with all staff attending regular courses in all aspects of the business, from marketing, sales, very heart of Europe, on the crossroads of the North- South axis and in the centre of the economic powerhouse that is formed by the triangle of France, Germany and Switzerland. The clientele is therefore very international and cross-border, with a large emphasis on the ex- pat population that works in the Basel chemical and healthcare industries. Although Switzerland is not in the EU, the harmonisation of laws with those in the EU means that company can benefit from the open borders and all products and processes adhere to both EU and Swiss legislation- offering truly the best of both worlds. Looking ahead, the future will of course throw up new challenges, with Harley- Davidson being the first mainstream motorcycle manufacturer to invest heavily in electric technology. With the release of the “Livewire” in 2019, Richards Motorcycles will also be investing in new infrastructure, such as motorcycle charging points throughout the city of Basel. So for those who wish to relax in a beautiful, 50’s style retail location, before taking their well-maintained motorcycle into the gorgeous winding roads and scenery of the Jurassic mountains surrounding Basel, Richards Motorcycles is a vital establishment to visit.

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