German CEO Excellence Awards 2022

6 EU BUSINESS NEWS / German CEO Excellence Awards 2022 , Best Digital Signage Solutions CEO 2022: Dirk Koke A digital signage company implementing the best of new technologies into its hardware, software, andmanagement solutions, KOKE is allowing German companies a newway to put their best foot forward. Providing its customers with the best solutions to signage, it adds value, technological prowess, and long-termpride to its clients’ marketing toolkit, continuing to develop user-friendly hardware and software that is just as much of a pleasure to work with as its talented, empathic, dedicatedmembers of staff. A full-service provider operating with diligence, excellence, and a dedication to innovation, KOKE has been offering digital signage options to a wide variety of different clients. Fundamentally, it has made a name for itself by continually creating more individual hardware and software solutions that allow its customers to achieve their vision with ease and effectiveness, creating messaging that gets its point across quickly and understandably. Working with individual small projects – and also large projects from major customers who order a bulk of products – its devices, software, and content can be seen throughout its home nation of Germany, Feb22155 across all different sectors from retail to the medical sector, sports, and the wider corporate ecosystem. Its aim in all things is to provide its customers with all-round support that will satisfy their needs. In essence, this includes hardware, software, rollout, content, support, and single-source coordinated efforts, making it a one-stop-shop for signage in its region that its clients can trust; it is also happy to work with clients to develop bespoke hardware and software solutions in line with their specifications. Critically, this ethos is what has allowed it to funnel so much effort into innovation, research, and development, all of which resulted in the creation of its operating and support software, the KOKE management system – KMS. The KMS is recognisable by its user intuitive interface, its usability for people of all technological backgrounds, and its broad compatibility. Additionally, the idea for the company was born long before the entity even existed, beginning with the drive that spurred on the career of the founder, Dirk Koke. The CEO and mind behind the company’s current trajectory, Dirk Koke’s idea for KOKE was born from a desire to see screens be used for so much more than just television, opening himself up to the idea of different areas of application and working hard to make them actionable. Thus, he cut his teeth focusing on the increasing use of hardware, software, and support systems from different sources as a sticking point. Since this time his commitment to furthering these fields hasn’t changed, although it has certainly progressed; with the inauguration of KOKE as a company in 2011, he was able to launch his ideas into a marketable product, hitting the ground running in his industry. KOKE was essentially founded because Dirk Koke himself couldn’t find the satisfactory answer to bespoke signage options that he wanted to see. Therefore, it was created with the foundational principle of offering all components from just a single source – itself – in mind, allowing clients to find what they need, when they need it, in order to get their message across to their audience. With the tenants of attentive listening, honesty, and transparency forming its core pillars, all of these elements rolled together managed to create a trustworthy, discrete, reliable