Irish Enterprise Awards 2021

EU BUSINESS NEWS /2021 Irish Enterprise Awards 29 , Best Digital Business Growth Application 2021 Do you knowwhy people buy fromyou—andwhy they don’t? If you understand howandwhy your customers find you, how they get to knowyou, and ultimatelywhy they buy fromyou, you can replicate and scale your sales process and becomemore successful. Without a system for finding the ideal prospective customers and converting them into profitable clients, you’ll always be relying on “hope”—and jumping on the next piece of technology that makes wild promises. Mar21248 Digital technology is a tool, not a magic button. A tool that can make your life and business more comfortable and more profitable, but a tool just the same. If you don’t get the basics right, digital technology won’t be able to help you. If you do get the basics right, though, digital technology can skyrocket you from adequate to outstanding. Digital has fundamentally changed how people gather information, interact and buy. The customer journey is now largely digital. If you don’t want to get left behind, it’s vital for you to understand the role Digital will play in sales, marketing, and business processes in general. Understanding your use of Digital and getting hands-on feedback and suggestions is a good starting point. Digital Scorecard will get you on the right track. All based on real experience Digital Scorecard was founded by Dr Edward Nugent in 2016. He has himself built digital businesses in Sweden, UK, Ireland, Germany and Italy. He found that there were no hands on tool to help SMEs and business owners that have fewer resources to structure how they can use Digital and set priorities. This is the core of what Digital Scorecard is all about. Digital Scorecard helps Businesses grow by using Digital Digital Scorecard starts with an online test, how are you getting on with Digital today and where are the opportunities you are missing out on. After that that you build your customer journey, set targets and add the Digital tools that will help you to get there. Digital Scorecard enables users to gain better understanding of A) Lead Generation, which enables the acquisition of the right type of prospects who can be converted into satisfied paying customers. B) The Lead to Sale process where more leads are converted into sales. C) The After Sales process that will help to identify how you can leverage your current customers to get more. The Digital Scorecard solution is a tried and tested model that gets results fast and which has helped more than 700 companies in the past 12 months to find the right path for their business development. “It is hard to lead if you do not know what Digital means. We do not aim to make you a Digital expert overnight but we do ensure that Digital is set into the context of your business and that it helps you to grow your business.” Dr Edward Nugent, Founder Digital Scorecard “What struck me with Digital Scorecard was the overview. The Digital Scorecard gave us real clarity and allowed us to concentrate on the areas that needed immediate attention and it brought home how much more effective we could be.” Givi Kokaia, MD Kunskapspartner, partner with Digital Scorecard No more missed opportunities • Get to grips with Digital so you have a solid game plan to run your business and make the most of Digital tools available. • Have a solid game plan for your business and use of Digital. • Get a clear strategy for referrals — referrals are the most effective way to bring in new customers and clients who are already primed to choose you. • Stop chasing shadows and start investing your money efficiently and effectively. Know how to leverage Digital. • Choose the right tools for your business — and create a structure for your staff to thrive. Contact: Edward Nugent Company: Digital Scorecard Web Address: