German Business Awards 2022

22 EU BUSINESS NEWS / German Business Awards 2022 , Predictingconsumerbehaviour isdifficultbut,withthepowerof researchandneuromarketing, we can decipher our consumers behaviours and thought patterns even better than before. Here we speak to TimWeisheit as he wins this fantastic title in the German Business Awards 2022. Different sized businesses require varying levels of support for their progression however, they all have one thing in mind – they want to reach their consumers in a sustainable, genuine, ethical, and educated way. Tim Weisheit’s experience in his industry allows his clients to understand and digest information so that they may improve the user experience (UX) of their customers – whilst improving ratings and engagement. UX is the study and definition of our experience as consumers. While businesses churn out content and products, they aren’t always as well received as they would have liked. Either this is due to marketing towards the wrong audience, not using the best platforms for advertising, or, perhaps, due to our products being outdated. With Mr. Weisheit, it is much easier to streamline the marketing of our products and consumables to our desired audience – quickly yet organically. Mr. Weisheit ensures we can understand our customers and their all-encompassing habits and experience. This covers usability, usefulness, desirability, brand perception, and performance. By studying these areas, we can find out exactly what makes our customers and consumers feel good, what they like, and how we can reach them even better than before. Neurologically, we take in information differently to one another. However, as humans, we tend to have patterns within demographics and lifestyles. For example, if we decided to live a life without the consumption of animals, we would consume food and clothing products differently, we would process advertising and brand Sep22427 engagement differently, and we would be more or less inclined to consume products or marketing from certain businesses. Mr. Weisheit has years of practical experience with UX Design and is more than capable of understanding what customers need. He can define what each customer needs and wants, so that businesses can reach more people. These organisations require help from a well-seasoned firm that works hard for maximum results. Mr. Weisheit shares, “We strive for the best outcome for both customers and their target groups. Thus, it is our intention to only support business owners and agencies who offer products and services which solve real problems of the target groups they want to reach. As a consequence, we only work with companies that sign an ethics policy in advance of a consulting session or a workshop, since scientifically proven neuropsychological knowledge may also be used in a manipulative, unethical order, something we definitively want to exclude.” By screening his customers, Mr. Weisheit ensures that the companies he works with have everything they need to justly reach their target audience – without using dark patterns that essentially tempt people into doing what they don’t want to do. Mr. Weisheit’s mission is to help businesses to build a solid foundation for growth through tried and tested scientific developments, inevitably improving their values of customer centricity. “Younger generations expect their workplaces to be as human centred and digitalized as their private lives are,” Mr. Weisheit comments. “We therefore may expect even more human centricity in the upcoming years, which is a great development from my point of view.” Mr. Weisheit says, “we aid businesses to really understand their customers from a psychological point of view. From my experience, many businesses define sociodemographical characteristics of their target groups only and forget about their needs, values, norms, hopes and dreams, problems, and attempts for solutions.” It is something that Mr. Weisheit is changing. It is his dedication to understanding consumer minds that has propelled him forward in the industry. Analysing and perfecting customers’ business endeavours and methods, Mr. Weisheit manages to drive the conversion rate up whilst simultaneously giving their consumers everything that they want. He informs us, “By using research tools like surveys or interviews we are able to collect said attributes directly from the target audience and define a meaningful persona of our customers. By using this vantage point, we can form expressive and convincing elements of advertising to market the products and services our customer offers.” As neuromarketing can introduce significant benefits for businesses around the globe, learning more of UX, in relation to neurological patterns, means we can refine our products, campaigns, adverts, and our general presence within the corporate landscape. With Mr. Weisheit, it is entirely possible to steeply increase consumer interaction and retention. His blog offers insight into social media and digital marketing trends, entrepreneurial and start-up tips, and much more. By sharing his insight, as well as research results, Mr. Weisheit has opened our Best UX Research &Neuromarketing Consultancy 2022