EU BUSINESS NEWS / Q4 2021 13 Most Dedicated Lifestyle Disease Virtual Health Platform – Norway B SI S N S / Q3 2 Lifeness is due to stay on its course of deep success and high achievement statistics. Its goal is to keep the team strong, gain more employees wanting to make a difference, and scale to new markets. By broadening the app’s horizons – by adding more features – the app is due to skyrocket in this industry. It will change the entire cloud-based lifestyle technology. 2022 and beyond has a lot in store for Lifeness as it “continues randiomized controlled trial studies with Unicare rehabilitation clinic in Norway.” It “seeks collaborators for other international clinical studies. And, as Lifeness is a social entrepreneur with a triple bottom line, we have ambitious goals for the coming years. Our overall goal for the next five years is to help over 680,000 people to better overall health and increased quality of life,” Maria adds. As a female-started, organised, and run business, Maria Arlén Larsen and Solvor Øverlien Magi are both setting an incredible example for all of us. With a background as a medical doctor with a PhD on obesity and lifestyle diseases, Maria teamed up with Solvor, a serial entrepreneur with over 30 years of leadership and technology experience to build Lifeness. Maria adds, “There are not many female tech founders and last year we got the experienced Jeanette Roede on our leaderteam, she has built the biggest lifestyle company in Norway, Roede AS (former Grete Roede AS) and is also a physiotherapist and coach.” These female connections have benefitted the business and have helped to push women to the forefront of the industry. Together, these intelligent, bold, and highly empathetic women have created something that can change people’s lives. Claiming their place up high, Lifeness “won the prestigious Social Entrepreneur of the year 2020, and the Arctic Accelerator 2021, as the most promising investment opportunity in the arctic,” Maria enthuses. With all of this in mind, it is clear to see how Lifeness has become one to watch in the industry. Supporting people, and improving their lives, is Lifeness’ goal – always. It is obvious that it has come very far, extremely quickly, and we are proud to present it with such a fantastic award for its life-changing, unique technology. Winning Most Dedicated Lifestyle Disease Virtual Health Platform – Norway, Lifeness has earned itself a title that truly reflects how hard it has worked to help others with its technology, vision, and dedication. We look forward to seeing what it does next. Contact: Solvor Magi Company: Lifeness Email: [email protected] Web Address: