European Enterprise Awards 2020


h7o7 is one of the 2020 winners of European Enterprise Awards at EU Business News.

Medal Trophy Cloud Cloud
About h7o7

Most Innovative Film & Documentary Production Duo – France

<p>Here is the website :<br /> Email :<br /> Bio : h7o7 is a duo based on the crossed visions of Hadi Moussally and Olivier Pagny. From directing to post-production through production, h7o7 is fascinated by the image, both in its aesthetic dimension and in its semantic vision. Alternative, experimental and innovative, their projects are on the frontier of experimental, documentary and fashion, seeking to extract their deep meaning while emerging from the codes of the medium. The duo multiplies artistic collaborations in a permanent quest for creative sharing and accessibility to the greatest number.<br /> The main objective of h7o7 is to enable the making and promotion of films and photos where they privileged the mixture of genres between experimental, documentary, fashion and fiction. This is where the «hybrid» vocation starts.<br /> Since 2014, h7o7 created 10 awarded films and photos artistic projects. And in 2020, they received more than 20 awards, 50 nominations and 190 festival selections.</p>
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