European Enterprise Awards 2020


Plyssky is one of the 2020 winners of European Enterprise Awards at EU Business News.

Medal Trophy Cloud Cloud
About Plyssky

Best Apparel Upcycling Enterprise – Denmark

<p>PLYSSKY is a Danish socio-economic company producing zero waste products for at zero waste lifestyle.</p> <p>PLYSSKY&#8217;s design is recognizable for its classic look, which exudes high quality and thoughtfulness as well as good craftsmanship. Everything is made locally in Copenhagen by people outside the ordinary labor market.</p> <p>We have big visions when it comes to taking care of you and the planet: In the fight to recycle, upcycle and redesign as much discarded textiles as possible &#8211; our design ideas are born.</p> <p>You can buy PLYSSKY products online at</p> <p>Please contact us</p>
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